Sunday, July 29, 2012

UDL Checklist for Photosynthesis/Respiration Lesson

Below is a udl checklist, explanations of each sub-category can be found at National Center of Universal Design Center. This blog represents an assignment that I completed for MAET CEP11. The assignment was to take a lesson that we designed earlier in the course and to analyze it based upon udl standards. Overall, it has been a great experience, recognizing how important it is to take a quick look at each principle. Using this checklist will make lessons/projects stronger, more adaptable, and improve student opportunities.

The second part of the CEP811 assignment will be to improve our original lesson. To do this I will start be focusing on Principle 6; creating a supporting STaIR, offering a workshop, and providing a task list to help students self monitor progress.

UDL Guidelines – Educator Checklist

Your notes

Students have Premier Assistive
Google document with embedded video

Feature – google docs has a built in definition tool.
Feature – Pictures and videos

Feature – Facilitator Introduction, separate document assist.
Feature – students have a google doc to follow and interact with. Students also will think-pair-share throughout.
Your notes

Feature – groups can move at their own pace, clear check points need to be added to provide more support.

Feature: Twitter,, google docs
Feature – Students have access to spell check, Internet, visuals
Use of Gradual Release of Responsibility

Barrier – as hort STaIR or workshop will be necessary to help students understand and provides ideas.
Your notes

Feature – Creativity of
Feature –personal response and active engagement opportunities.
Feature – working collaboratively

Barrier – could be more transparent
Feature - Working in pairs and teams, also twitter for online
Standards based grading – pass/needs more work

Barrier – table contents exist but a checklist or task list would be helpful
Feature – Students will assess their final product, present it, and comment on others.
© CAST 2011

Friday, July 27, 2012

Webquest Evaluation

War Against Extinction Webquest Evaluation

This evaluation was completed by me, Marc Schulz, for the purpose of demonstrating my understanding of the key elements for creating a successful webquest. The criteria that I will use for this evaluation include TPaCK standards and elements of a Webquest; Introduction, Task, Process, Evaluation Criteria, Conclusion, Teacher Page and Resource Page.

The webquest is titled War Against Extinction and was created by Jerry Kousen of Hobart High School, Hobart ,IN.

Here is a screenshot that describes the purpose and who the webquest was designed for:
In regards to elements, this webquest is well put together, Mr Kousen has created an easy to follow outline. The screenshots below are evidence of the elements:

The Task is clear and provides an audience (fictitious) and student choice. To improve upon this Mr. Kousen could have contacted a local EPA department to serve as judges for best or most creative ideas.
The process is easy to follow, and students are encouraged to put forth extra effort. The evaluation page is setup much like a self assessment checklist and includes a requirement for the students to create a solution that goes beyond just collecting information. This allows for deeper inquiry, creativity, and ownership.

The remaining elements of a webquest are evident in this screenshot, look for the blue font:
Mr Kousen provides links under resources, search engines, and definitions to key vocabulary.
The War Against Extinction checks all the boxes when looking at elements of a webquest. But I believe it falls short of meeting TPaCK standards.

Content: There is scaffolding provided for key terms and resources but it assumes some background understanding of Interdependence (how organism affect one another).

Pedagogy - There is a nice mixture of deductive learning (answering direct questions through research) and inquiry through student choice of topic and solution. It also provides a problem that needs to be solved with an audience. However it seems like the audience is fictitious in the sense that the students will never really present to the EPA. This may minimize the quality of the final product.

Technology - This is the weakest section of this webquest. It using the Internet only for research and possibly a presentation. But does not use it for collaboration in and out of the classroom, nor does it suggest creation of more exciting final products: creation of a blog or wiki, an online campaign to save one of the species, etc.

The technology resources or website links are not very effective. Many are broken and those that do work tend to take you to sites that may be overwhelming in regards to the information.

In conclusion the framework of this webquest is strong and I am sure when it was first made that it provided a nice learning experience. With some new updates to the resources and perhaps a stronger focus on the technology components (focusing on the ISTE’s NETS-S) this webquest could become a “great” learning experience.